Configuration of Mutt's color theme is pretty easy. Just follow this style:
color [object] [foreground] [background]
Here is a color theme I developed. It contains color for index, pager (including header, seven level of quoted message), marker, highlight of Email address and link location, and etc.
# Colours for items in the index
color index brightcyan black ~N
# Hmm, don't like this.
#color index brightgreen black "~N (~x|(~x byers.x)|(~x|(~x"
color index brightyellow black ~F
color index black green ~T
color index brightred black ~D
mono index bold ~N
mono index bold ~F
mono index bold ~T
mono index bold ~D
# Highlights inside the body of a message.
# URLs
color body brightgreen black "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \"\t\r\n]*"
color body brightgreen black "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
mono body bold "(http|ftp|news|telnet|finger)://[^ \"\t\r\n]*"
mono body bold "mailto:[-a-z_0-9.]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+"
# email addresses
color body brightgreen black "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
#mono body bold "[-a-z_0-9.%$]+@[-a-z_0-9.]+\\.[-a-z][-a-z]+"
# header
color header green black "^from:"
color header green black "^to:"
color header green black "^cc:"
color header green black "^date:"
color header yellow black "^newsgroups:"
color header yellow black "^reply-to:"
color header brightcyan black "^subject:"
color header red black "^x-spam-rule:"
color header green black "^x-mailer:"
color header yellow black "^message-id:"
color header yellow black "^Organization:"
color header yellow black "^Organisation:"
color header yellow black "^User-Agent:"
color header yellow black "^message-id: .*pine"
color header yellow black "^X-Fnord:"
color header yellow black "^X-WebTV-Stationery:"
color header yellow black "^X-Message-Flag:"
color header yellow black "^X-Spam-Status:"
color header yellow black "^X-SpamProbe:"
color header red black "^X-SpamProbe: SPAM"
# Coloring quoted text - coloring the first 7 levels:
color quoted cyan black
color quoted1 yellow black
color quoted2 red black
color quoted3 green black
color quoted4 cyan black
color quoted5 yellow black
color quoted6 red black
color quoted7 green black
# Default color definitions
#color hdrdefault white green
color signature brightmagenta black
color indicator black cyan
color attachment black green
color error red black
color message white black
color search brightwhite magenta
color status brightyellow blue
color tree brightblue black
color normal white black
color tilde green black
color bold brightyellow black
#color underline magenta black
color markers brightcyan black
# Colour definitions when on a mono screen
mono bold bold
mono underline underline
mono indicator reverse
Related Links:
Multiple accounts in Mutt
Mutt Tutorial
great, I just catch your .muttrc and voilĂ , my own mutt is much better (I am using black background xterm).
thank you :)
Thanks a lot for this. Made it really easy. Just what I needed.
Thanks Jason, this was a really good color scheme for Mutt. Appreciate it!
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